Winter Retreat 2024
Go through with god
'Unto the furtherance of the Gospel.' - Philippians 1.12
God blessed the 2024 Winter Retreat wonderfully. Over 250 people enjoyed the week as lovely hymns of the faith were lifted to the Lord through song, encouraging testimonies of God's guiding in the life of individuals were shared, updates on church planting works and various children's ministries were given, and opportunities of prayer were had together before our time in God's Word each day. God worked at the retreat this year in a powerful way and we are so thankful for His leading. The afternoons were filled with exploring the beauty of God's creation in the coastal town of Aberystwyth, hiking in Elon Valley, and sharing fellowship over baked goods and coffee in the cafe. If you have not already, make plans now to join us next year for this enjoyable time apart from the world. More information for 2025 will be available soon.