Sunday School Day
and Parade 2022
'...Shewing to the generation to come the praises of the LORD, and his strength, and his wonderful works that he hath done.' Psalm 78v4
Saturday, 18 May, was the seventh-annual Sunday School Day and Parade! 12 Sunday Schools from across the nation brought 400 young people together to sing praises to God, march through the city centre, enjoy a picnic lunch and compete in a sports day. We praise the Lord for travelling safety that was given to those who journeyed to Gloucester, England to the Gloucester Park. This year, we celebrated the 242 anniversary of the Sunday School Movement that was founded by Robert Raikes in Gloucester. We are thankful for the beautiful weather God gave for the parade and outdoor activities. Please make plans to join us for next year’s Sunday School Day and Parade next May 2023 (DV).